Sierra Quin

Design ignites connection.

How will you inspire?​

Sierra Quin Logo
Sierra Quin Logo
Sierra Quin Logo

Collaborate. Create. Cultivate.


2024 Lunar Calendars




Logos · typography · Social Assets

From color to typography, I consider the entire essence of your brand to accurately represent it in a memorable and captivating way.


Album artwork · event fliers · Spotify animation

As a musician myself, I understand the importance of pairing sound and design. You have worked hard on your music and it deserves beautiful visual representation. 

Web Design

design · custom code · icons

I make beautiful, cohesive and captivating websites. From design to a fully coded responsive website, your visual presence will effectively communicate your objectives.


Client Work


Its time to make an investment

Graphic Design & Branding

From color to typography, I consider your essence to accurately represent your message in a memorable way. Using my unique design style, I will bring your logo, album cover, product packaging, and more to life.

Web Design & Development

As the comprehensive visual face of your brand, your website needs to be clear and easy to navigate, sending a cohesive message to customers and clients.

Consulting & Brand Support

Don't know where to start? Building a business can be overwhelming! Let's tackle this together. Let me be your sounding board before guiding and supporting your vision as it actualizes. Monthly and hourly consultations available.

Sierra Quin Logo
Sierra Quin Logo
Sierra Quin Logo

Ready to collaborate?